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Discover how our Refugee talents offer comprehensive cybersecurity services.

Cyber Security Skills

we help organizations safeguard their systems, detect vulnerabilities, and build resilience against cyber threats while empowering teams with essential cybersecurity knowledge our services not only protect your systems but also support social impact by empowering displaced communities.

Kali Linux

  • Practice using basic terminal commands: File management, user permissions, and system navigation.
  • Use Kali tools like whois and traceroute to gather initial information on a target.
  • Install and update tools via APT package management.


  • Capture and analyze basic network traffic for:
    HTTP requests and responses (identify URLs and headers).
  • Detecting plain-text credentials in unencrypted traffic.
  • Create and apply basic Wireshark filters, e.g., http, tcp.port==80, ip.src ==


  • Scan for open ports on a target system (e.g., nmap -sS [IP]).
  • Perform basic version detection (e.g., nmap -sV [IP]).
  • Use Nmap scripts to detect vulnerabilities (e.g., nmap --script=http-vuln-cve2017-5638 -p80 [IP]).
    Perform simple network mapping to identify live hosts (nmap -sn [IP range]).

Two-Factor Authentication (2F Set up Google Authenticator

  • Understand and explain the difference between TOTP (time-based) and SMS-based 2FA.
  • Analyze 2FA methods for security weaknesses (e.g., SIM swapping risks for SMS-based 2F.
  • Set up and troubleshoot 2FA implementation on web services like Gmail or a custom application.

Advanced Networking

  • Network Device Configuration:
    Configure routers, switches, or firewalls (e.g., setting up basic access control lists on a router).
  • Packet Sniffing Practice:
    Use Wireshark or tcpdump to capture and analyze traffic in live networks.
  • Simple Virtual Private Network (VPN):
    Set up and test a VPN connection to understand secure communications.

Web Application Testing

  • Basic Burp Suite Usage:
    Capture, modify, and replay HTTP requests to explore how web applications handle data.

Virtualization and Labs

  • Can use VirtualBox or VMware to create isolated environments for testing tools and techniques.